Defending your doctoral thesis: the PhD viva — Vitae Website.

There will usually be a bit more work to do after the viva. Each institution will have its own regulations about viva outcomes and how to inform the candidate of them. Find out before you go into your viva so that you know what to expect. In the UK they typically they fall into one of the following.

Viva outcome - Royal Holloway Doctoral School.

After your viva. There are several possible outcomes of a thesis defence. Most commonly, your examiners will recommend to your institution that you are awarded your degree subject to minor corrections, although in some instances they might ask for more substantial work.Possible outcomes of your viva After the viva has finished you will be asked to leave the examiners to make their decision. This could take anything from 10 minutes to an hour or so. It is important to understand that the length of time it takes to make the final decision does not indicate what that decision is. Some examiners reach decisions.This guidance explains the viva process, how to prepare, what will happen on the day and what the possible outcomes are. This information is for postgraduate research students. You must send your completed examination entry form to Student Records about 3 months before you are ready to submit. You may not submit your thesis until you have.

Viva Outcomes; Viva Outcomes; Viva outcomes. For the degrees of PhD, MPhil and MD, examiners can recommend: Pass. Pass subject to minor modifications (NB: modifications to be made usually within three months of the oral examination but can be submitted earlier than the stated deadline).What are the possible outcomes of the viva? Your examiners will discuss the outcome of your thesis submission and will decide on one of the following outcomes of the submission: Pass PhD; Pass PhD subject to minor corrections in 3 months; Pass PhD subject to amendments to address errors of substance or omission in 9 months.

Phd Viva Possible Outcomes

The outcome of the viva (oral examination) The outcome of the oral examination should normally be given informally to you immediately, but by no later than 24 hours after the viva. Find out the possible recommendations examiners can make on your thesis and what to do in each case.

Phd Viva Possible Outcomes

Upgrade review outcomes. The assessment criteria are used to decide whether you can upgrade to PhD status or not. The departments Graduate Director will oversee your assessment and update your final result. Usually there are three possible outcomes to the upgrade review process: Unconditional pass - you are upgraded to PhD immediately following.

Phd Viva Possible Outcomes

At the end of your viva the examiners will indicate their recommendation for the award of your degree. Possible outcomes include: that the degree be awarded without the need for any corrections to the thesis; that the degree be awarded once specified minor or major corrections have been completed to the satisfaction of the examiners.

Phd Viva Possible Outcomes

The Oral Examination (viva) I have submitted my soft bound thesis- how long will I have to wait for my oral examination date? If you have not been given a date for your viva within six weeks of submitting your thesis, you are advised to contact your Degree Committee.

Phd Viva Possible Outcomes

For further information about the PhD viva examination see: How to shine at your viva by Tristan Farrow How to Survive a Thesis Defence (University of New South Wales) Nasty PhD Viva Questions by Dr Andrew Broad Survive your viva by Rowena Murray Ten Tips for getting through your PhD Viva Vivas: the procedure and possible outcomes.

Viva Outcomes - Student Administration - University of.

Phd Viva Possible Outcomes

If, in accordance with regulation 7.7.5 iv, the examiners have recommended that the thesis be revised and resubmitted for the Doctoral degree, and have also proposed a possible alternative option for the award of a Master’s degree subject to corrections, the examiners should list the amendments required for each scenario so that the student.

Phd Viva Possible Outcomes

Viva voce examinations are held for all PhD, EdD, DEdPsy, DClinPsy, DClin Res, DClin Prac and EngD candidates and are an opportunity for your examiners to meet you in person and question you further about your research and written thesis. Vivas are not normally held for MPhil and MbyRes candidates.

Phd Viva Possible Outcomes

Although the majority of PhD students are happy with the outcome of their PhD viva, things don’t always go as expected, and some of the least appealing outcomes do happen. If you as a PhD student feel that your own work is not of very high quality, and you are aware that the unfavourable outcome is your fault, there is not much you can do except for complying with the decision of your.

Phd Viva Possible Outcomes

Table 1: Possible outcomes of the viva at the University of Leicester. You may well take away from the viva a mix of positive and negative feelings. You may feel positive because you have passed the viva, but you may also feel negative because there is further work to be done on the thesis. Don't be surprised if you have some feeling of an anti.

Phd Viva Possible Outcomes

A PhD usually only involves one exam, your viva, which is oral - a panel of academics will question you closely on your thesis. The thesis is a research project of about 60,000 to 100,00 words in length, depending on your subject (my thesis has a word limit of 80,000, but I know people in other areas who have higher limits). A PhD involves lots of self-directed working and if you struggle with.

Viva - Submission and Examination of your Thesis - Thesis.

Phd Viva Possible Outcomes

Guidelines on the Viva Voce (Oral Examination) These Guidelines on the Vivahave been produced to provide information to research degree students and examiners on how the examination process operates, and to help ensure that the viva is conducted in a manner that is fair and consistent.

Phd Viva Possible Outcomes

Step 10: Possible outcomes of the viva voce examination. The Board of Examiners will agree a recommended outcome following your viva examination. The list of potential outcomes of the examination are set out fully in both QA7 Section 17 and Regulation 16 but in summary, the examiners can recommend to: award the degree.

Phd Viva Possible Outcomes

The viva is the examiners’ chance to ask you about any aspect of your thesis that they feel would be useful in their task of arriving at their decision. They will have each read your thesis in whole and exchanged confidential reports outlining where, if anywhere, they have issues or questions. The examiners will have met before the viva to agree which areas they want to explore with you.

Phd Viva Possible Outcomes

PhD Viva Guide A Springboard for your PhD Viva Preparation. i This initiative was partially funded by the HEA under the Strategic Innovation Fund 2. PhD Viva Guide A Springboard for your PhD Viva Preparation. ii AUTHOR’S PREFACE This guide aims to support PhD students in preparing for their oral examination, the viva voce. The motivation for developing such a resource is borne out of the.

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